Do you know what this is all about?
Let's find out!
Café com Pôneis © trademark logo design made by Guilherme Lopes Bezerra (Calena)
What is Café com Pôneis?
Café com Pôneis (meaning “Coffee with Ponies”, translating to English) is a micro-business situated in Brazil and we are registered under the CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional de Pessoa Jurídica) 32.611.338/0001-76 in the city of Irati, Paraná. Our mark is also registered on INPI (Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial).

Who made it?
It was made by Guilherme Lopes Bezerra, an independent freelancer artist best known by the artistic and social fantasy name ‘Calena’, who started his art career back in October, 2013, by being mainly inspired by, and drawing fanarts of, his favorite characters from TV shows, movies, series, games and animations.
And what for?
I have always been inspired by cartoons, comics, music, and animations worldwide. The reason Café com Pôneis exist is for me to retribute the love and joy from amazing people that has connected with me, giving me inspiration and good moments into my life, and I hope to share this passion to the next generations.

What is your mission?
Our mission is to create digital art, illustrations, comics, animations, designs and many more art related content while doing our best to act, in all ambits, with honesty, loyalty, good humour, kindness, generosity, justice, ethic, moral, respect, by bringing information, education, knowledge, and the most important of all, the magic of entertainment through any form of art we can express, and to do our best to maintain healthy relationships, friendships, and a crystal clear transparency with our customers and employees.
What is your vision?
I’m starting it as a simple micro-business artistic project, for people to find and know who I am, and a place for me to start new artistic projects, like comic books, light novels, and short animations. I believe Café com Pôneis has the potential to become an art studio in the future, and hopefully have the power to employ more artists and people to work with voice acting, music, writing, game programming, and much more!

What’s the origin of Café com Pôneis' name and trademark, and what it represents?

I love coffee, and I love those fantasy ponies too. This choice means my express sentiment of love and passion that I bring to my business.
The dark brown color of the coffee represents our maturity and how discreet, bold, and serious we are, our formality.
The coffee cup and the saucer, they show the delicate parts we pursue in art, always trying to make it better, perfectly centered, and crystal clear.
The coffee grain in each of the character’s ears represent our naturality in soul and art. It’s the mark we have since we were born, showing that we are what we are.
The characters we are, together with the spiral of the coffee heat, represent youth, creativity, energy, and kindness which exists inside each one of us, grown people (that drinks coffee), with the innocence and tenderness of a child in their soul, drawn by the perfect curved small and cute shapes they have and their simple gesture in their expressions.
Also, the fact that the characters are side by side, as well as the name Café com Pôneis (“Coffee with Ponies”, translating in English), it means the connection, communication, sympathy and relation between you and us, no matter the distance or situations we are, we will be always close in our hearts and souls like we would be on a snack bar.
The horseshoe means the structure, the law, and our patrimony, and it supports the cup of coffee to be held strong no matter how heat or heavy it might be, it supports our work to be done with grace and style under the right measurements.
The unicorn horn means the magic that is there to be released, no matter how long it takes, we follow the steps to our hopes and dreams, and it is pointing to the ear so we can remind ourselves to listen and re-listen, again, and again, and again: What we are and what we came for.
And the last one is the overall picture, with all together, which represents the story and the final art we create by mixing all those elements to create one unique masterpiece.

Guilherme Lopes Bezerra > Calena
Art Director, Creator of Café com Pôneis.
Hey there!
I'm Guilherme, best known by the artistic and social fantasy name Calena, and I'm the creator and owner of Café com Pôneis®.
I first started my art career by doing photo edits and fanarts as a hobby, learning and studying more about what I loved. Eventually, people began to find and pay me to do art, they invested on me to become better and better, and that's how I ended up in here.
I love cute and fantastic characters with bold stories that can take us into an emotional roller-coaster type of journey. I'm also a huge fan of adventures, as well as Halloween and fantasy thematic games, movies, and stories.